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Haití - marzo de 2019

Un viaje de misión humanitaria a Puerto Príncipe, Haití, ocurrió en marzo de 2019 para apoyar un centro médico y un orfanato. Medicina, odontología, anteojos y otros elementos médicos esenciales apoyaron al centro médico, mientras que el orfanato fue asistido con ropa, suministros educativos, alimentos y elementos esenciales de la habitación.

On May 28th, Dema Dimbaya concluded a project to address period poverty by donation sanitary pads for World Menstrual Health Day. 


Thank you to all those who donated or contributed in helping Dema Dimbaya address period poverty by providing sanitary pads to girls/ women for World Menstrual Health Day. Your selfless acts of kindness has been felt by girls/ women in schools and shelters in the following locations:


Chester, PA

Washington, DC

Kingston, Jamaica

Abidjan, Ivory Coast

Ganjur, The Gambia

Walvis Bay, Namibia


According to the world bank, more than 500 million girls/ women globally lack proper supplies. Period poverty occurs when girls/ women do not have access to sanitary products to manage their cycles and are forced to withdraw from their normal activities such as school or work.


In the following slides you will see pictures and videos from each location:


Washington DC (slide 1) - The Seed School Seed DC



Jamaica (slide 2)- Excelsior High School  with sanitary pads from The Women's Haven 


Chester, PA (slide 3) - The Wesley House


Namibia (slide 4)- partnered with October Charity Foundation 


Ivory Coast (slide 5) - partnered with Pro Kids Cote Divoire, who also donated hygiene products and food


The Gambia (slides 6) - partnered with Pan African Library Gambia 


More than 8000 sanitary pads were distributed to girls and women for World Menstrual Health Day.


Dema Dimbaya celebrated #WorldMenstrualHealthDay by donating more than 8000 sanitary pads to Washington DC, Chester, PA, Namibia, Ivory Coast, and The Gambia. 

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